Da Sezione Stelle Variabili - Unione Astrofili Italiani.

(Differenze fra le revisioni)
(Nova Sagittarii 2014 = PNV J18250860-2236024)
(11 revisioni intermedie non mostrate.)
Riga 1: Riga 1:
=Nova Sagittarii 2014 = PNV J18250860-2236024=
October 14, 2015
Riporto qui Alert AAVSO per seconda Nova in Ofiuco
Spettri a bassa risoluzione della stella hanno rivelato trattarsi di una classica nova FE II-tipo past massimo.
risulta di 12.1 non filtrata al momento della scoperta
Scesa nei giorni scorsi alla 11.5V è risalita alla 9.8V.
Osservazioni di qualsiasi tipo anche visuali sono richieste da AAVSO nella loro alert 497 che allego.
Le osservazioni inviate al database aavso devono avere come nome della stella NOVA SGR 2014
February 11, 2014
in V siamo sulla 13 a qualche giorno fa
1. Event: Nova Sagittarii 2014 = PNV J18250860-2236024
fare riferimento ad alert 531
Discovered by: Sigeru Furuyama (Tone-machi, Ibaraki-ken, Japan) and reported by S. Nakano (Sumoto, Japan)
per le carte sempre su aavso 
Discovery magnitude: unfiltered CCD magnitude 8.7, using a 200-mm f/2.8 camera lens + BJ-42L camera
i dati sottoporli ad aavso come NOVA OPH 2015 NO. 2 rispettando gli spazi visto che non ha ancora una designazione definitiva
Discovery date: 2014 Jan. 26.857 UT
sono richieste osservazioni di qualsiasi tipo durante la fase di evoluzione della nova
Coordinates: R.A. 18 25 08.60  Decl. = -22 36 02.4  (2000.0)
Spectra: Low-resolution spectra obtained by A. Arai (Nishi-Harima Astronomical Observatory, University of Hyogo, Japan) on 2014 Jan. 30.87 UT indicate that the object is a Fe II-type classical nova past maximum. Spectroscopy details may be found in CBET 3802 (see Note a below).
Event: Nova Oph 2015 No. 2 = TCP J17344775-2409042
Observing recommendations: Nova Sgr 2014, which had faded to 11.5 V, has brightened to visual magnitude 9.8. Observations of all types (visual, CCD, DSLR, spectroscopy) are strongly encouraged in following the evolution of this nova.
Independent discovery by: <br> - Koichi Nishiyama (Kurume, Japan) and Fujio Kabashima (Miyaki, Japan)<br> - Shigehisa Fujikawa (Kan'onji, Kagawa, Japan)  
Charts: Charts for Nova Sgr 2014 may be created using the AAVSO Variable Star Plotter (VSP) at
Discovery magnitude:<br> - Nishiyama and Kabashima: 11.8 unfiltered (CCD, using a 135-mm f/4 camera lens (+FLI 09000 camera))<br> - Fujikawa: 12.1 unfiltered (CCD using a MINOLTA F 3.5 f 120mm lens)
Observations reported to the AAVSO:
Discovery date:<br> - Nishiyama and Kabashima: 2015 October 11.4129 UT<br> - Fujikawa: 2015 Oct 11.41474 UT
2014 Jan. 27.847 UT, 9.6 (T. Noguchi, Katori, Chiba-ken, Japan, confirming observation, CBET 3802);
28.32640, 10.1 (AAX, A. Amorim, Florianopolis, Brazil);
28.48056, 10.2 (SLH, L. Shotter, Uniontown, PA);
28.83889, 10.5 (PEX, A. Pearce, Nedlands, W. Australia);
28.876, 10.19 V (KSI, S. Kiyota, Kamagaya, Japan, CBET 3802);
28.876, 9.72 Rc (Kiyota, CBET 3802);
28.876, 9.15 Ic (Kiyota, CBET 3802);
29.31460, 10.5 (Amorim);
29.39323, 10.585 +/-0.012 V (HMB, J. Hambsch, Mol, Belgium, remotely at San Pedro de Atacama, Chile);
29.39363, 9.223 +/-0.023 I (Hambsch);
30.39456, 10.826 +/-0.014 V (Hambsch);
30.39496, 9.385 +/-0.024 I (Hambsch);
31.30830, 11.0 (Amorim);
31.39523, 10.964 +/-0.014 V (Hambsch);
31.39563, 9.433 +/-0.025 I (Hambsch);
Feb. 01.31250, 11.0 (Amorim);
01.39527, 10.981 +/-0.014 V (Hambsch);
01.39565, 9.563 +/-0.026 I (Hambsch);
02.31180, 11.2 (Amorim);
02.39615, 11.379 +/-0.020 V (Hambsch);
02.39656, 9.787 +/-0.042 I (Hambsch);
02.862, 10.7 (K. Kadota, Ageo, Saitama-ken, Japan, CBET 3802);
03.31250, 11.5 (Amorim);
03.39598, 11.513 +/-0.020 V (Hambsch);
03.39639, 10.028 +/-0.048 I (Hambsch);
04.39677, 11.432 +/-0.017 V (Hambsch);
04.39717, 10.239 +/-0.033 I (Hambsch);
06.39971, 10.990 +/-0.016 V (Hambsch);
06.40025, 10.177 +/-0.039 I (Hambsch);
07.39994, 11.172 +/-0.012 V (Hambsch);
07.40035, 10.333 +/-0.028 I (Hambsch);
08.30000, 11.1 (Amorim);
08.83403, 10.9 (Pearce);
09.39966, 10.604 +/-0.012 V (Hambsch);
09.40008, 9.786 +/-0.030 I (Hambsch);
09.82850, 10.8 (Pearce);
10.40196, 10.063 +/-0.010 V (Hambsch);
10.40237, 9.259 +/-0.026 I (Hambsch);
10.85140, 9.8 (Pearce);
Submit observations: Please submit observations to the AAVSO International Database using the name NOVA SGR 2014. Once a GCVS name has been assigned, please use that name.
Coordinates (2000.0): R.A. 17 34 47.75 Dec -24 09 04.2 (Nishiyama and Kabashima, in VSX)
= GR Ori in super-outburst  =
Spectra: A low resolution spectrum obtained at Van Vleck Observatory by C. Littlefield (Wesleyan University) and P. Garnavich (Notre Dame) on 2015 October 11.99 UT across an airmass range of 3.6-4.5, which yielded noisy data, indicate the nova to be an Fe II-type classical nova (ATel #8156). Spectra by M. Fujii (Kurashiki, Okayama, Japan) obtained on 2015 October 12.421 UT at Fujii Kurosaki Observatory indicate a highly reddened nova (CBET 4150). His spectrogram is posted at
Rod Stubbings dall'Australia riporta un outburst della sospetta vecchia nova (Nova Ori 1916),stimandola visualmente di magnitudine 13.0 a Febbraio 11.476 UT (JD 2456334.976).Questa osservazione è stata confermata da Stephen Howell (New Zealand),che ha ugualmente riportato la stella a magnitudine 13.0 Febbraio 11.461.Mike Simonsen (AAVSO) fa notare che la sospetta progenitrice di questa stella ha una magnitudine intorno alla 22.8 nella Sloan Digital Sky Survey,suggerendo un ampio outburst di 8-10 magnitudini,e che la stella potrebbe essere una WZ Sge dwarf nova piuttosto che una nova classica o ricorrente.La maggioranza delle osservazioni di questa stella sono visuali e il comportamento degli outburst è poco studiato.Naturalmente si sono notati aumenti di luminosità nei decenni passati.<br>Osservazioni di GR Ori,specialmente time series in V sono richieste ed aiuterebbero a comprendere meglio questo oggetto.  
Observing recommendations: This nova is faint, but observations of all types (visual, CCD, DSLR, spectroscopy) as instrumentation permits are strongly encouraged as this nova evolves.  
GR Ori si trova:<br>R.A. 05 21 34.98  Dec +01 10 10.2 (2000.0)
Charts: Charts for Nova Oph 2015 No. 2 may be created using the AAVSO Variable Star Plotter (VSP). Be sure to include spaces in the name as shown.<br>
La sequenza e le stelle di confronto sono state aggiornate e si trovano sul sito AAVSO
Oct. 7.405, &lt;13.4 (Nishiyama and Kabashima);<br>11.394, 12.0 unfiltered (T. Kojima, Tsumagoi, Gunma-ken, Japan, pre-discovery observation);<br>11.490, 11.7 unfiltered CCD (S. Fujikawa, Kan'onji, Kagawa, Japan, confirming image);<br>11.721, 11.2 CR (G. Masi, remotely using the 17"-f/6.8 robotic unit part of the Virtual Telescope Project facility at Bellatrix Astronomical Observatory,Ceccano, Italy);<br>12.06870 UT, 9.90 I +/-0.07 (S. O'Connor, St. George, Bermuda);<br>12.07110, 11.89 V +/-0.03 (O'Connor);<br>12.07380, 11.70 CV +/-0.04 (O'Connor);<br>12.0900, 13.65 B (S. Kiyota, Kamagaya, Japan, remotely using 0.50-m f/4.5 CDK astrograph + FLI-PL11002M CCD f iTelescope.NET at Mayhill, NM, USA);<br>12.0900, 12.04 V (Kiyota);<br>12.0900, 11.12 Rc (Kiyota);<br>12.0900, 10.09 Ic (Kiyota);<br>13.38560, 11.56 R +/-0.05 (O'Connor);<br>13.407, 12.9 V (T. Yusa, Osaki, Japan, remotely using the 0.43-m f/6.8 astrograph + CCD(FLI Proline 16803)at the iTelescopeNET, Siding Spring, Australia).<br>14.05870, 10.4 I +/-0.1 (O'Connor);<br>14.06100, 13.33 V +/-0.08 (O'Connor);<br>14.06350, 12.82 CV +/-V0.03 (O'Connor);<br>14.06944, &lt;11.2 (S. Aguirre, Hermosillo, Mexico);<br>14.37700, 10.68 I +/-0.05 (O'Connor);<br>14.37840, 12.05 R +/-0.05 (O'Connor);<br>14.37990, 13.32 V +/-0.02 (O'Connor);<br>14.38120, 14.00 TB +/-0.14 (O'Connor);<br>14.38120, 14.87 TB +/-0.04 (O'Connor);<br>14.38250, 13.00 CV +/-0.02 (O'Connor);
Per chi disponesse di un codice AAVSO le osservazioni vanno inviate come GR Ori
qui la alert AAVSO&nbsp;
22:05, 12 feb 2013 (UTC)

Versione corrente delle 11:48, 15 ott 2015

October 14, 2015

Riporto qui Alert AAVSO per seconda Nova in Ofiuco

risulta di 12.1 non filtrata al momento della scoperta

in V siamo sulla 13 a qualche giorno fa

fare riferimento ad alert 531

per le carte sempre su aavso 

i dati sottoporli ad aavso come NOVA OPH 2015 NO. 2 rispettando gli spazi visto che non ha ancora una designazione definitiva

sono richieste osservazioni di qualsiasi tipo durante la fase di evoluzione della nova

Event: Nova Oph 2015 No. 2 = TCP J17344775-2409042

Independent discovery by:
- Koichi Nishiyama (Kurume, Japan) and Fujio Kabashima (Miyaki, Japan)
- Shigehisa Fujikawa (Kan'onji, Kagawa, Japan)

Discovery magnitude:
- Nishiyama and Kabashima: 11.8 unfiltered (CCD, using a 135-mm f/4 camera lens (+FLI 09000 camera))
- Fujikawa: 12.1 unfiltered (CCD using a MINOLTA F 3.5 f 120mm lens)

Discovery date:
- Nishiyama and Kabashima: 2015 October 11.4129 UT
- Fujikawa: 2015 Oct 11.41474 UT

Coordinates (2000.0): R.A. 17 34 47.75 Dec -24 09 04.2 (Nishiyama and Kabashima, in VSX)

Spectra: A low resolution spectrum obtained at Van Vleck Observatory by C. Littlefield (Wesleyan University) and P. Garnavich (Notre Dame) on 2015 October 11.99 UT across an airmass range of 3.6-4.5, which yielded noisy data, indicate the nova to be an Fe II-type classical nova (ATel #8156). Spectra by M. Fujii (Kurashiki, Okayama, Japan) obtained on 2015 October 12.421 UT at Fujii Kurosaki Observatory indicate a highly reddened nova (CBET 4150). His spectrogram is posted at

Observing recommendations: This nova is faint, but observations of all types (visual, CCD, DSLR, spectroscopy) as instrumentation permits are strongly encouraged as this nova evolves.

Charts: Charts for Nova Oph 2015 No. 2 may be created using the AAVSO Variable Star Plotter (VSP). Be sure to include spaces in the name as shown.

Oct. 7.405, <13.4 (Nishiyama and Kabashima);
11.394, 12.0 unfiltered (T. Kojima, Tsumagoi, Gunma-ken, Japan, pre-discovery observation);
11.490, 11.7 unfiltered CCD (S. Fujikawa, Kan'onji, Kagawa, Japan, confirming image);
11.721, 11.2 CR (G. Masi, remotely using the 17"-f/6.8 robotic unit part of the Virtual Telescope Project facility at Bellatrix Astronomical Observatory,Ceccano, Italy);
12.06870 UT, 9.90 I +/-0.07 (S. O'Connor, St. George, Bermuda);
12.07110, 11.89 V +/-0.03 (O'Connor);
12.07380, 11.70 CV +/-0.04 (O'Connor);
12.0900, 13.65 B (S. Kiyota, Kamagaya, Japan, remotely using 0.50-m f/4.5 CDK astrograph + FLI-PL11002M CCD f iTelescope.NET at Mayhill, NM, USA);
12.0900, 12.04 V (Kiyota);
12.0900, 11.12 Rc (Kiyota);
12.0900, 10.09 Ic (Kiyota);
13.38560, 11.56 R +/-0.05 (O'Connor);
13.407, 12.9 V (T. Yusa, Osaki, Japan, remotely using the 0.43-m f/6.8 astrograph + CCD(FLI Proline 16803)at the iTelescopeNET, Siding Spring, Australia).
14.05870, 10.4 I +/-0.1 (O'Connor);
14.06100, 13.33 V +/-0.08 (O'Connor);
14.06350, 12.82 CV +/-V0.03 (O'Connor);
14.06944, <11.2 (S. Aguirre, Hermosillo, Mexico);
14.37700, 10.68 I +/-0.05 (O'Connor);
14.37840, 12.05 R +/-0.05 (O'Connor);
14.37990, 13.32 V +/-0.02 (O'Connor);
14.38120, 14.00 TB +/-0.14 (O'Connor);
14.38120, 14.87 TB +/-0.04 (O'Connor);
14.38250, 13.00 CV +/-0.02 (O'Connor);

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